Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Valentino Barlnk

Here is Rudy and I, 2 shows ago, this was in Feb.
This is his dad, Barlnk Cowboy

This is his mom, Sunrise Money

Hey Everyone! Well as you all or some of you may know, I own a fabulous American Paint Horse named Rudy. He turned 2 on February 14! His registered name is Valentino Barlnk. The Valentino came from Valentine's Day (his birthday) and Barlnk came from his daddy's name (Barlnk Cowboy). So to add to the Valentino its Rudy Valentino (thats his barn name). Anyway enough about his name..I so love this horse, we have a BLAST together. My friend Alyssa and I, take Rudy into the preserve (across the street from the barn, its 140 acres) and take him to the river. He just discovered the other day that the water is not going to eat him haha.. and so now it is hard to take him from the water. I had the vet check him out yesterday and he was shocked at how stocky Rudy is. He also said that it is ok that I get on and ride him around (nothing stupid)...and thats what i did, yesterday i got on him for the 4th or 5th time and walked him around bareback. It was great, it feels really weird because he is not balanced yet so he feels a little funky under me. I tried to put pressure from my legs on him and he did fantastic! No freaking out or anything.

If you have not met the famous Rudy you have to meet him...he is so sweet.

Well I will brag more about him later. I will add some pictures though so you can see him.

From Paints The World,


  1. Rudy is sooo beautiful!!! and thats GREAT that he didn't freakout while you rode him!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. WOW!!!!! not wasting any time getting posts up LOL weren't you saying the first time we saw him that he was really stocky????

  4. Yes Owen i did but we were thinking that he was going to get more slender but the vet said that he will get a ton more stockier! haha...yeah i like writing on here..i have alot to say.
